Can you hear the buzz? If you stand next to the Rattlesnake Master you will! These white button-like flowers are native to Wisconsin and the pollinators go bonkers for their blossoms. Rattlesnake Master attracts a large variety of pollinators including long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, skippers, moths, and beetles. Eryngium yuccifolium has yucca-like leaves that give way to bursts of globular flower heads in late summer. Observe the plants in the Wildflower Woods and see how many different pollinators you can spot. Along with the Rattlesnake Master, the pollinators are buzzing around the Allium, Clethra, Russian Sage, Liatris, Ligularia, Purple Coneflower, Culver’s Root, Masterwort, Hydrangeas, Black-Eyed Susan, Joe Pye Weed, Yarrow, Japanese Meadow Rue, Shasta Daisy, and more!

Rattlesnake Master at Monk Gardens

Rattlesnake Master