If you scan the landscape, you will see pops of yellow and gold. One of those rays of sunshine is the Rudbeckia hirta, otherwise known as Black-eyed Susans. They remind us of sunshine because of their long yellow ray florets that meet up with darker disc florets. Rudbeckia, along with Echinacea and Sunflowers all belong to the Daisy or Aster Family. The sturdy stems and flowers can be left up all Fall and Winter for aesthetic interest and wildlife habitat in the garden. Check out these and many other plants blooming throughout the Gardens like Coneflowers, Liatris, Russian Sage, Joe Pye Weed, Turtlehead, Anemone, Hydrangeas, Dahlias, Cannas, Sunflowers, Japanese Meadow Rue, Clethra, and more!

Black-eyed Susan