Big news! Monk Botanical Gardens will be attending the PBS Wisconsin- Garden & Landscape Expo February 10th-12th at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI. The staff have a busy schedule of events, including two seminars and setting up a booth in the Exhibition Hall. We are excited to introduce more visitors to the Gardens and showcase what we offer. It will be our first time having a presence at the expo, and we hope to make waves! Check out the other green industry leaders that will be at the expo:

If you are looking to green up some of your winter blues, consider making the trip down to Madison, WI to visit the staff and attend some of the wonderful seminars that are being held. Staff members will surely be taking turns attending some of them! Take a look at the schedule of events here:

Marissa Ashbeck and Megan Johnson will be presenting a seminar on “Creating Attractive Volunteer Opportunities in the Garden” on Friday, February 10th, from 12:30-1:30 pm.

Description: Marissa Ashbeck and Megan Johnson will highlight how they attract and retain volunteers throughout the processes of admission, training, communicating, and providing unique experiences for volunteers in the garden. Learn how to connect people and plants in your garden spaces.

Marissa Ashbeck and Kaytie Ruesch will present a “Navigating People and Plant Places: The Gray Area” seminar on Saturday, February 11th, from 3:30-4:30 pm.

Description: With any garden space, there is a gray area between interactive gardens to enjoy and the aesthetic appeal of curated landscapes. At Monk Botanical Gardens, we have created a set of guidelines to incorporate into our education and visitor experiences. Join us to see how we are developing gardens with “people and plant places” in mind.

See you there!

Written by Horticulture & Grounds Manager, Marissa Ashbeck