Letter from the Board President

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Dear Gardens Friends,

As the summer days have turned cooler and fall is quickly upon us, we have much to be thankful for as we celebrate this season of harvest at the Gardens. The contribution of time and talents that so many offered throughout the year – from our dedicated volunteers and staff to the many contractors and experts who helped us accomplish major improvements in the Gardens the past few months, to our generous donors, program attendees and even some behind-the-scenes contributors to our work – all have enabled and energized us to remain focused on the mission we strive to achieve for our members and guests.

One of the cornerstones of our success has been private and public support to help steward the Gardens into the next phase of growth. This summer, our team focused on vital enhancement projects that will help ensure continued enjoyment of the Gardens for years to come. First, we are completing the final stages of Sara’s Storybook Garden – a place where children can explore, learn and discover – but more importantly a place for remembrance of Sara Quirt Sann. So many who knew and loved her have given generously to help establish this unique and heartwarming memorial. Mother Nature offered a gentle spring, enabling the project to happen in expedited fashion. Then, in late summer, we broke ground on the establishment of a brand-new English-style Garden. We are so grateful to the family of Thomas and Marilyn Kraemer for entrusting us to create this new venue in their loved ones’ names. We envision blushing brides and wedding attendants strolling through the brick entrance and trimmed hedges, plus rose bushes that will undeniably fill the air with a lingering fragrance all day long. Not to mention, many more improvements that have begun throughout the Gardens – you’ll learn more in the pages ahead. The list of donors is impressive and we’re more excited than ever to see the finishing touches in place!

Another important aspect of our work is inspiring a passion for the environment across all age groups – and 2024 has been a record year for young ones! We offered 10 WEEKS of Summer Camp in the Gardens! In total, 388 children, ages 3-15, experienced learning opportunities from one of the best environmental education teams in the state! One grateful mom shared, “We love the summer camp for our kids! I love that they get to spend their days outdoors! At the end of every day, the kids say they had fun and can’t wait to go back again!” In addition, our 4th school year of Sprouts Garden Preschool began earlier this month. Enrollment is now up to 40 students… the growth has been phenomenal!

And to top things off, one of the most anticipated events of the year is right around the corner – we invite you to join us Sept 18 – Oct 26 for our 3rd Annual Blossom of Lights. Experience Nature. Illuminated. Visit www.blossomoflights.org for all event details.

In this season of thanksgiving, please know we are grateful for your support and involvement. We thank you for your Gardens Friendship and look forward to all that lies ahead.

Thank you,

Paul David

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monk gardens board members