Our Staff
Our Board

Our Staff

Jennifer Plisch
Jennifer PlischExecutive Director
Jennifer joins us with over 25 years of experience in the non-profit world both in direct service and leadership positions. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and a Master’s in Management of Non-Profit Organizations, Jennifer’s passion for and experience in program development continues to grow with the Gardens! Her favorite area of the Gardens is Sara’s Storybook Garden and all that it stands for. She loves watching young minds explore and believes in the community well-being the Gardens as a whole provides.
Patrick Murphy
Patrick MurphyFacilities & Grounds Director
Patrick shares his guidance, leadership, and foresight to progressively grow, serve, and protect the Monk Botanical Gardens facilities for generations to come. Over the past 25 years, he has overseen the successful growth and development of YMCA and non-profit camps and programs throughout the Midwest. He enjoys watching people of all ages make new discoveries and enjoy the sights and sounds of the greater outdoors.
Kaytie Ruesch
Kaytie RueschProgram Manager
Kaytie started her journey with Monk Botanical Gardens as an environmental education intern in 2019. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and a Professional Science Master’s Degree in Conservation Biology. Her favorite part of her job is sparking curiosity about the natural world in the children she works with. She thinks the best time of day in the Gardens is first thing in the morning, when everything is peaceful and the day’s adventures lie ahead.
Megan Johnson
Megan JohnsonVolunteer Coordinator/Administrative Assistant
Megan has nearly a decade of experience leading and supporting non-profit programming and holds a Master’s Degree in Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems. Driven by her interest in sustainability and healthy communities, Megan is excited to support community members’ engagement with the Gardens and help foster an appreciation for the environment. She loves to marvel at the plant varieties in the Kitchen Garden and think of ideas for her next cooking adventure.
Pat Witt
Pat WittGarden Supervisor & Horticulturist
During her years as a horticulturist, Pat has grown everything from annuals to veggies, managed native areas to formal perennial gardens, and consulted on tree care and IPM (Integrated Pest Management). But as our “boots on the ground” Garden Supervisor, she is most excited about connecting with our volunteers and visitors. “There is always a new plant or new person I want to get to know better,” she says. She invites questions and plant talk so look for her at the Gardens!
Kari Buck
Kari BuckBookkeeper
Kari has a Business Administration Degree and over 25 years of Financial Management and Bookkeeping experience. She started as a contractor of the Gardens and now joins its staff. Since she does not have a green thumb, she is excited to support the vision and mission of the Gardens by providing a service that she excels in – working with numbers! She enjoys weekly kayaks in the summer, hiking year-round, and anything that will allow her to be outdoors.
Amanda Valencia
Amanda ValenciaSprouts Garden Preschool Lead Teacher - Half Day
With five years of experience in education and training in School Psychology, Amanda is thrilled to be a part of the Sprouts Garden Preschool team! The best part of working with early learners in the play yard and Gardens is the opportunity to be expansive across developmental areas. “I can see the love of nature and learning growing in our students every day, in a space that allows them to flourish, and that’s amazing!” Amanda’s favorite space in the Gardens to refresh is the Shade and Hosta Garden.
Sadie Xiong
Sadie Xiong Sprouts Garden Preschool Lead Teacher - Full Day
Sadie is excited to share her love and curiosity of nature in her role as a Lead Teacher. When Sadie discovered Sprouts she was thrilled to enroll both of her daughters into the program from the very start. Sadie worked in the Military and as a volunteer with Girl Scouts and loved the impact she made for her community within those roles. Now she is excited to be a part of a team that works so hard to serve, educate and inspire the Wausau community.
Sarah Loth
Sarah LothSprouts Garden Preschool Assistant Teacher
Sarah has always enjoyed working with children and enjoying nature, and she brings these loves to her role. She discovered the Tots in the Gardens program for her sons and loves the role that the Gardens plays in the Wausau community. Sarah holds a B.A. in Interpersonal Communication and an M.A. in Public Administration.
Beth Grefe
Beth GrefeSprouts Garden Preschool Assistant Teacher
Beth comes with 18 years of dedicated service in education, including 8 years in preschool and the remainder as a paraprofessional special education assistant. Her journey in education has been about nurturing young minds and supporting the needs of all students. Beyond working at the Gardens, Beth enjoys time with her family where they tend to their pumpkin patch and wildflower gardens. Beth is grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in our youngest learners.
Lauryn Rammer
Lauryn RammerSprouts Garden Preschool Assistant Teacher
Lauryn loves spending time with children in the outdoors and helping them to explore the natural world with their deep curiosity and wonder. She graduated from UW – Stevens Point in 2023 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Education and Interpretation and quickly discovered a passion for early education. During her college years, Lauryn led the “Kids Climb” program at the UWSP Climbing Wall, where she helped young students conquer their fears and reach new heights. She is super proud to be a part of the Sprouts team and loves spending each day with her amazing students!

Our Board

Mark Munson
Mark MunsonPresident, Attorney, Ruder Ware
The Monk Botanical Gardens is a special asset that enhances and enriches Wausau and surrounding communities with natural assets. It’s exciting to be part of something that provides economic benefits to our communities by dedicating a space that celebrates why we choose to live and work in this place we call home.
Susan Lang
Susan Lang Vice President, COO, Labyrinth Group
It is a privilege to be part of a place that significantly enhances the quality of life and health of our community. The Gardens is also a retention and attraction asset for our area’s employers and quite simply it makes me happy to go there to walk, to learn, to plant and to enjoy the Gardens’ events. I am proud to be a part of Wausau’s Happy Place.
Paul Whitaker
Paul WhitakerSecretary, Professor, UWSP
As a graduate student in Madison, I was fortunate to live just a short walk away from Olbrich Gardens. I learned that botanical gardens bring so much to their community, including education, unique events, a tranquil and beautiful refuge, and economic development from out-of-town visitors. When the idea of Monk Botanical Gardens arose here in Wausau in the early 2000s, I jumped at the opportunity to help make it happen and have been serving on the board ever since.
Jon Plisch
Jon PlischInterim Treasurer, Senior Business Unit Analyst, Greenheck Fan Corp
After a tour of the Gardens, I was so impressed by the landscaping and could immediately see the potential for it to be a staple in Wausau, like the 400 Block. I also believe that Sprouts Preschool’s philosophy of getting students to learn through exploration is unique and effective.
Paul David
Paul DavidPast President, Assistant General Counsel, Aspirus
Monk Botanical Gardens represents a unique community asset that affords users and guests a serene, invigorating and educational experience of a type lacking in so many other aspects of daily life. It is a meaningful and beneficial endeavor to further develop and promote the Gardens for the use and enjoyment of persons across Wisconsin and beyond. My involvement with the Board of Directors affords me the opportunity and honor to contribute to these worthy goals.
Tabitha Erlandson
Tabitha ErlandsonBoard Member, Accounting Manager, Wausau Tile
Monk Botanical Gardens is a place where cherished memories are formed, where children are inspired to learn and explore, and where individuals of all generations find renewed inspiration and connection with nature. Being a part of this Board fills me with excitement and gratitude as we work together to ensure that the Gardens continues to thrive and fulfill its essential role in enriching the lives of everyone in our community.
Tom Monk
Tom MonkBoard Member, Retired Industrial Engineer
The Monk Gardens grounds have always been a very special place to me. I have early memories of the pines being planted and in later years, shearing them for Christmas trees. I remember the many challenges of digging the pond and sculpting the adjoining land. My wife and I were the first couple to enjoy a combined bachelor/bachelorette gathering on the shore of what has become the Gardens’ pond, a very special memory indeed. It’s my hope that Monk Botanical Gardens will provide meaningful experiences and delightful memories, as it has done for me, to all visitors. That’s what good botanic gardens do.
Vickie Richmond Hawkins
Vickie Richmond HawkinsBoard Member, Retired UWSP-Wausau
When a community need and one’s personal passions align it makes sense to be engaged in meeting that community need. As a proponent of lifelong education, I view the Gardens as a place to connect people of all ages to the land. The survival of a habitable planet earth depends on it.
Tammy Stezenski
Tammy StezenskiBoard Member, Director of Marketing, Grand Theater/Performing Arts Foundation
Some places seem to define a community, that reflect its spirit and character. I saw that potential in Monk Botanical Gardens in its early years and have been an advocate ever since. Wausau has many amenities found in larger, prestigious cities… with the exception, until recently, of a destination-worthy botanical garden. Monk Botanical Gardens can check that box! Joining the board allows me to serve as a more official ambassador and steward of the Gardens’ respectfully curated nature, living art, and charismatic spaces. It’s an honor to help continue the growth of this fresh, exciting attraction in central Wisconsin. “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

  • Bev Smith
  • Bob Reinertson
  • Claire Aziz
  • Shelley Wells
  • Rita Crooks
  • Ann Kieffer
  • Gerald Mortenson
  • Ann Lucas
  • Jim Force