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Notes From The Gardens

October 2023

What Made Us Nature Superheroes: Our “Origin Stories”- Patrick Murphy, Facilities & Grounds Director

October 11, 2023|Notes from the Gardens|

Every superhero has an origin story, and the superhero staff and interns at Monk Gardens are no different! Read on to learn what were the influences and experiences that made our Facilities and Grounds Director, Patrick Murphy, pursue a career in a nature-based field! "The tornado sirens could be heard [...]

September 2023

Leave the Leaves!- The Benefits Behind Being “Lazy” This Fall

September 26, 2023|Notes from the Gardens|

It's that time of the year… the trees are changing color, and soon after, the leaves will come! Whether you dread fall yard cleaning or look forward to it, I will walk you through why the best thing you can do for your yard and neighborhood…is nothing!  You heard me [...]

What Made Us Nature Superheroes: Our “Origin Stories”- Pat Witt, Garden Supervisor

September 11, 2023|Notes from the Gardens|

Every superhero has an origin story, and the superhero staff and interns at Monk Gardens are no different! Read on to learn what were the influences and experiences that made our Garden Supervisor, Pat Witt, pursue a career in a nature-based field!   "Even as suburban kids “back then” we [...]

August 2023

Oogie-Boogie Beetles! – Invasive Japanese Beetles and How We Handle Them

August 25, 2023|Notes from the Gardens|

What may look like a pretty green and iridescent beetle actually spells doom for homeowners and the Gardens alike.  The Japanese Beetle, Popillia japonica, has been out in full force here at the Gardens in the last couple weeks and we have been doing our best to manage them using [...]

May 2023

What Made Us Nature Superheroes: Our “Origin Stories”- Megan Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator/Administrative Assistant

May 17, 2023|Notes from the Gardens|

Every superhero has an origin story, and the superhero staff and interns at Monk Gardens are no different! Read on to learn what were the influences and experiences that made our Volunteer Coordinator/Administrative Assistant, Megan Johnson, pursue a career in a nature-based field! "I was fortunate to explore many aspects [...]

What Made Us Nature Superheroes: Our “Origin Stories”- Kaytie Ruesch, Environmental Educator

May 9, 2023|Notes from the Gardens|

"I was lucky enough to grow up in rural Crivitz, WI. We lived near Lake Noquebay and my mom would often take my brother and I to wade in the murky waters and look for creatures. When we weren’t partially submerged, we were riding our bikes around on “road patrol” [...]

April 2023

What Made Us Nature Superheroes: Our “Origin Stories”- Elise Schuler, Events and Education Manager

April 18, 2023|Notes from the Gardens|

Every superhero has an origin story, and the superhero staff and interns at Monk Gardens are no different! Read on to learn what were the influences and experiences that made our Events and Education Manager, Elise Schuler, pursue a career in a nature-based field!         "Growing up, [...]

What Made Us Nature Superheroes: Our “Origin Stories”- Darcie Howard, Executive Director

April 11, 2023|Notes from the Gardens|

Every superhero has an origin story, and the superhero staff and interns at Monk Gardens are no different! Read on to learn what were the influences and experiences that made our Executive Director, Darcie Howard, pursue a career in a nature-based field!   "It's a brisk, foggy morning as I [...]

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